Rosemary Collie

Auditors and Members of the Social Audit Network would like to pay tribute to Rosemary Collie, who has sadly passed away. Her partner has told us ‘Rosemary did not want a funeral or service but thought that a meeting of her friends and work colleagues would be fine. So I arranged a ‘Gathering’ (garden party) at our cottage which is deep in the countryside to which over 80 folks attended.

Many were colleagues from the charity sector and groups of friends from school days, university and abroad plus friends new and old. They were all able to meet and talk and share their memories of Rosemary’.

Rosemary did her SAA training as part of the West Midlands Training Cluster in 2003-04 and went on to practice as a social auditor in the West Midlands. She also worked in Wales, holding SAN roadshows and local gatherings.

Tributes from SAN Auditors include:

‘I remember a warm, intelligent, insightful lady who was a real advocate for social accounting’.

‘Rosemary was a member of the SAN West Midlands group with Mike Swain, Iftikar Karim, Vince Bailey and Sean Smith and they met up with her regularly in the Dick Whittingham pub in Kinver to plan regional activities. She was a very principled and forthright SAN advocate’.

social accounting, social audit, social value, social impact